Career Training » Career Training

Career Training

Study for a new career at Lynwood Community Adult School!

Career Technical Education (CTE) or Career Training is a program of study that involves a short-term sequence of courses that integrates core academic knowledge with technical and occupational knowledge to provide students with a pathway to post-secondary education and careers.

Lynwood Community Adult School offers several career tracks:


Business and Finance




Health Care Careers


 Child Development


Careers and Degrees on the Rise!


Computer and Information Sciences

Bachelor’s degrees in this discipline have grown by 144% since 2010–2011, with over 100,000 graduates in 2020–2021. The allure of the tech sector’s explosive growth likely contributed to its popularity among students.

Health Professions

Undergraduate degrees in health professions saw an 87% increase, attracting nearly 260,000 graduates in 2020–2021. This field accounted for 13% of the total graduating class, reflecting the growing appeal of the healthcare sector.

A bar chart showing the number of  undergraduate degrees awarded in many university departments in 2020–2021 and the % change since 2010–2011.