Business and Finance - Business Management
Careers in business are in demand and Lynwood Community Adult School offers the courses you need to prepare for the demands of the 21st Century workplace.
The chart below outlines the course sequence that will allow you to obtain a well-rounded complement of skills and knowledge necessary for ANY business setting, no matter the industry sector. Courses may be taken individually, as long as you meet the prerequisites for the course. These courses may be taken concurrently with high school diploma courses in order to simultaneously prepare for employment while completing your diploma.
* Blended/Online Learning Classes - Apex Learning
⟐ Students who complete this course will have reviewed all of the exam objectives and be on their way to preparing for the corresponding Microsoft Office Specialist Certification Exam.
Online/Blended Learning Courses through APEX Learning
Lynwood Community Adult School offers online/blended learning courses to supplement your face-to-face classes and to provide you options for studying at your convenience. Apex Learning is a computer-based curriculum designed to be completed independently from your offsite location. Unit assessments must be completed under the supervision of the instructor on our campus by appointment between 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM.
Updated: 01/21/2025; SR