Adult Secondary Education/High School Diploma » High School Credit Recovery

High School Credit Recovery


  • Co-enrolled high school students
  • 11th and 12th graders
  • Ages 16 - 18; must be at least 16 on or before the first day of the term
  • Students of Lynwood Unified School District and surrounding districts


  • Want/need to earn credits for classes that did not meet the A-G grade requirements. 


  • Lynwood Community Adult School [WASC accredited 2018-2024]


  • Maximum of 2 classes depending on term and available courses
  • Courses will be held in online format
    • Teachers (per subject: English, Math, Science, Social Studies) will be available for in person support.
  • Includes: 
    • Academic/high school diploma and/or 
    • Career Technical Education (CTE) electives
  • Concurrently enrolled students may only attend classes after school.

Enrollment Process

LUSD Students:

Non-LUSD Students:

  • Complete and submit Concurrent High School Student Enrollment Agreement to the LCAS office. [Must be reviewed and signed by the counselor, parents and student.]

  • RETURNING STUDENTS - Log in to your ASAP account. [For password assistance please call 310-603-1485] 

  • NEW STUDENTS - Create an account and complete an online registration form.

  • Register for the Pre-Registration Session.
  • Submit the following to the LCAS office:

  • A letter on school letterhead from the student's counselor authorizing the student to attend Lynwood Community Adult School. [Without the letter on the school’s letterhead, we will not enroll the student.]

  • Concurrent High School Student Enrollment Agreement. [Must be reviewed and signed by the counselor, parents and student.]

  • RETURNING STUDENTS - Log in to your ASAP account [For password assistance please call 310-603-1485]

  • NEW STUDENTS - Create an account and complete an online registration form.

  • Register for the Pre-Registration Session

Student Expectations

The student, his/her parent(s) and counselor agree to the following conditions for receiving a grade and credits for the course:

  • Students must satisfactorily complete all assignments and exams.
  • Students must arrive punctually to class and stay for the duration of the class OR until dismissed by the teacher, principal-designee or the principal.
  • Students must maintain consistent and regular attendance – There are NO excused absences.
  • Students will adhere to the School Dress Code while attending LCAS.
  • Students will adhere to the Code of Conduct and Behavior.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact Mrs. Lawrence at (310) 604-3096.